Customer Service

Welcome to Miapulia’s Customer Service page!

Our dedicated team is available to answer any questions, assist you with orders, provide you with information about our products, and resolve any issues.

Try searching the frequently asked questions and find answers among the various topic categories.
If you need more information, you can contact us by filling out the form below or by email at, and one of our operators will get back to you within 24 hours.

Your satisfaction is our priority, we are committed to providing quality service to ensure that your shopping trip is always enjoyable and smooth.
Thank you for choosing Miapulia.

We are open Monday through Friday from 09:00 to 19:00

F.A.Q. - Answers to frequently asked questions

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We accept payment by credit card, PayPal, bank transfer and cash on delivery.

In Italy, delivery is within 24/72 hours depending on the area. In Europe, the delivery time is 48 to 96 hours depending on the area.

You can return products within 14 days of delivery by following the directions on our “Return Policy” page.

Yes, fresh produce is shipped every Monday to ensure freshness during transport.

Yes, we ship all over Europe. Delivery times vary by area.

If there is any damage, please contact us within 48 hours of receipt. We have a policy to handle products damaged during shipping.

You will receive a confirmation email with a tracking number once your order has shipped.

Shipping costs depend on the destination area. You can find all the information on our “Shipping and Returns” page.

If you wish to change or cancel an order, please contact us as soon as possible. We will do our best to assist you.

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    [select Nazione "Afghanistan" "Albania" "Algeria" "Andorra" "Angola" "Antigua e Barbuda" "Arabia Saudita" "Argentina" "Armenia" "Australia" "Austria" "Azerbaigian" "Bahamas" "Bahrein" "Bangladesh" "Barbados" "Belgio" "Belize" "Benin" "Bhutan" "Bielorussia" "Birmania" "Bolivia" "Bosnia ed Erzegovina" "Botswana" "Brasile" "Brunei" "Bulgaria" "Burkina Faso" "Burundi" "Cambogia" "Camerun" "Canada" "Capo Verde" "Ciad" "Cile" "Cina" "Cipro" "Colombia" "Comore" "Congo" "Corea del Nord" "Corea del Sud" "Costa d" avorio="" "Costa Rica" "Croazia" "Cuba" "Danimarca" "Dominica" "Ecuador" "Egitto" "El Salvador" "Emirati Arabi Uniti" "Eritrea" "Estonia" "eSwatini" "Etiopia" "Figi" "Filippine" "Finlandia" "Francia" "Gabon" "Gambia" "Georgia" "Germania" "Ghana" "Giamaica" "Giappone" "Gibuti" "Giordania" "Grecia" "Grenada" "Guatemala" "Guinea" "Guinea Equatoriale" "Guinea-Bissau" "Guyana" "Haiti" "Honduras" "India" "Indonesia" "Iran" "Iraq" "Irlanda" "Islanda" "Isole Marshall" "Isole Salomone" "Israele" "Italia" "Kazakistan" "Kenya" "Kirghizistan" "Kiribati" "Kosovo" "Kuwait" "Laos" "Lesotho" "Lettonia" "Libano" "Liberia" "Libia" "Liechtenstein" "Lituania" "Lussemburgo" "Macedonia del Nord" "Madagascar" "Malawi" "Maldive" "Malesia" "Mali" "Malta" "Marocco" "Mauritania" "Mauritius" "Messico" "Micronesia" "Moldavia" "Monaco" "Mongolia" "Montenegro" "Mozambico" "Namibia" "Nauru" "Nepal" "Nicaragua" "Niger" "Nigeria" "Norvegia" "Nuova Zelanda" "Oman" "Paesi Bassi" "Pakistan" "Palau" "Palestina" "Panamá" "Papua Nuova Guinea" "Paraguay" "Perù" "Polonia" "Portogallo" "Qatar" "Regno Unito" "Repubblica Ceca" "Repubblica Centrafricana" "Repubblica Democratica del Congo" "Repubblica Dominicana" "Romania" "Ruanda" "Russia" "Saint Kitts e Nevis" "Saint Vincent e Grenadine" "Samoa" "San Marino" "Santa Lucia" "São Tomé e Príncipe" "Senegal" "Serbia" "Seychelles" "Sierra Leone" "Singapore" "Siria" "Slovacchia" "Slovenia" "Somalia" "Spagna" "Sri Lanka" "Stati Uniti" "Sudafrica" "Sudan" "Sudan del Sud" "Suriname" "Svezia" "Svizzera" "Tagikistan" "Taiwan" "Tanzania" "Thailandia" "Timor Est" "Togo" "Tonga" "Trinidad e Tobago" "Tunisia" "Turchia" "Turkmenistan" "Tuvalu" "Ucraina" "Uganda" "Ungheria" "Uruguay" "Uzbekistan" "Vanuatu" "Vaticano" "Venezuela" "Vietnam" "Yemen" "Zambia" "Zimbabwe"]